Cognos Disclosure Management (CDM)

Disclosure Management – Create the reports that traditional business intelligence can’t

The process of collecting and assembling reports from all over the organisation in all different kinds of formats is laborious, time consuming and error prone.   Traditional business intelligence reporting cannot handle the need for deep narratives, collaboration and version control.  In most cases, a word processor is used in piecemeal fashion to combine commentary, tables and charts for board or statutory reports.

QMetrix can help solve this issue by leveraging IBM Cognos Disclosure Management (CDM) and your existing business intelligence systems to facilitate and manage the complicated task of assembling reports through a secure, controlled and auditable process.  Allowing business rules to be applied across the entire report to safeguard the consistency of key financial figures and ratios that may be mentioned in not one, but several areas of the report.  This is especially important for regulatory reporting and ensuring key notes and summaries are appropriately supported by the detail within the body of the report.

Apply proper controls and governance

The compilation of corporate financial reports, whether for internal or external use, can be extremely time consuming and requires large amounts of effort by numerous people to produce each month, quarter, bi-annually and annually.  Through the use of team workflow, a proper review and approvals process, safe and secure storage, the collaborative effort to compile these large cumbersome financial disclosures can be managed effectively.

QMetrix can help reduce the effort and improve the efficiency of preparing financial disclosures or any complex reports where detailed narratives and multiple participants are required.  QMetrix consultants are professionally qualified accountants (CA/CPA) who understand the importance of proper financial report disclosures and can appreciate the combined effort to produce them.

For more information on Cognos Disclosure Management (CDM), please contact us at [email protected]

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