Yellowfin 7.1 Released
Yellowfin have just released 7.1 of their Business Intelligence platform. Some highlights and primary enhancements in this version include:
- Improved GIS and location intelligence, which now includes Australian Census data for free.
- Improved CSV importing
- New visualisations
- New Marketplace – which is essentially an online portal hosting a number of free downloadable Yellowfin content (GeoPacks, Style Themes etc.)
We are most excited about the Location Intelligence improvement as the Yellowfin mapping functionality has always been tricky to setup in the past. We can now say it is much simpler and very easy to use. The inclusion of Australian Census data and free GeoPacks at the Marketplace is also a great bonus and can add a lot of value to your existing GIS reports.
More information in the Yellowfin 7.1 release can be found here