Solutions for not-for-profits

What you do as a not-for-profit is amazing. When you add the ability to harness data and accurately plan and forecast, imagine how that impact could multiply.

How can you make every dollar and volunteer hour count towards your mission?

Solutions for not-for-profits

Operating with real-time insight and precision

Outdated applications, lack of support, a static budget and error prone spreadsheets were part of the College of Surgeons’ planning process. But now with a new solution, they have:

∙ Accurate and comprehensive annual budgets
∙ A clear view of the budget process with workflow management
∙ Real-time self-service access for over 60 managers

At QMetrix our solutions empower you to operate with the agility needed in today’s environment. We work together to deliver the right outcome for your unique not-for-profit.

Some of our not-for-profit clients

Not-for-Profits | Faith Luo
Not-for-Profits | Faith Luo
Redlands logo: Let your light shine
Not-for-Profits | Faith Luo
Not-for-Profits | Faith Luo
Not-for-Profits | Faith Luo
Colourful Tennis logo
Not-for-Profits | Faith Luo
Blue, red and yellow SACA logo
Yellow and black WACA logo

Find out how you can harness data to align services and funding, and multiply your not-for-profit’s impact

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