“Do you need a better way to access your corporate or operational data, but are worried about the cost?”
The most commonly used Business Intelligence (BI) tool, the Excel spreadsheet, is widely adopted due to its ease of use, low cost and ready availability. Whilst its limitations are not immediately obvious to many, the lack of governance and control means it fails as a high integrity, collaborative, and reliable BI reporting platform.
The apprehension in moving away from Excel has often been the cost of deploying a “fit for purpose” BI solution. However, BI has come a long way since the early 2000′s and now there are an abundance of extremely affordable tools that can leverage the data locked within a business’ transactional systems. You will be surprised at just how much functionality a small investment of $3,000 will give you.
QMetrix has specialised in BI and data-warehousing implementations for over a decade and has witnessed first-hand the dramatic improvement of high quality and affordable BI platforms. After evaluating many in the market, QMetrix has chosen to partner with Yellowfin BI, a Melbourne based Business Intelligence software company making huge waves in both the US and Asia – particularly Japan (must be their love of tuna!).

QMetrix’ philosophy is simple – make BI accessible, easy to use and above all, cost-effective. Successful Business Intelligence however is more than just the functional capability of the tool – it is about the strategy and methodology undertaken to ensure the operational business needs of the users are satisfied, resulting in greater organisational agility to make better informed decisions. The BI tool only forms a part of the overarching puzzle, but with Yellowfin, you can be assured of a high quality platform at a surprisingly low cost.
It might sound too good to be true, but it’s not. Why don’t you try it for yourself – free. Contact us today for an obligation free personal consultation, demonstration or trial.